Phone No : +91-9443651836

The IGC-2021 conference will attract more than 1000 National and International experts from industry, academia, central and state government agencies. It will give the opportunity for researchers and professionals to share their knowledge and experience in the field of Geotechnical Engineering. During the three days of the conference, the program will include 16 keynote lectures, 16 theme lectures, and more than 200 oral presentations. The conference will be accompanied by an exhibition at the venue for exploring the innovative geotechnical and allied construction materials, testing, and research facilities.

We are pleased to invite your company/organization to participate in the success of this event as a sponsor or exhibitor. As detailed herewith, several packages have been tailored to offer a variety of sponsoring opportunities. For any clarification regarding sponsoring and exhibition or if you are interested in any specific option, you are kindly invited to contact us. We hope you will respond positively to our invitation and become a partner of the Indian Geotechnical Conference 2021.

We look forward to meeting you at our virtual conference!

Sponsorship Details  

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