Phone No : +91-9443651836

Conference Sub-themes

The sub-themes under the core theme of the conference are as follows:

  1. Soil Behavior and Characterization of Geomaterials
  2. Geotechnical, Geological and Geophysical Investigation
  3. Foundation Engineering
  4. Ground Improvement Techniques
  5. Geo-Environmental Engineering
  6. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
  7. Earth Retaining Structures, Dams and Embankments
  8. Slope Stability and Landslides
  9. Transportation Geotechnics
  10. Geosynthetics Application
  11. Computational, Analytical and Numerical Modelling
  12. Rock Engineering, Tunelling, Deep Excavations and Underground Constructions
  13. Forensic Geotechnical Engineering and Case Studies
  14. Others: Behaviour of Unsaturated Soils, Offshore and Marine Geotechnics, Remote Sensing and GIS, Instrumentation and Monitoring, Retrofitting of Geotechnical Structures, Reliability in Geotechnical Engineering, Geotechnical Education, Codes and Standards and any other relevant topic.
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